100% natural pastured beef, pork, lamb, goat, poultry & eggs
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Alpaca Products
Willow City Farm currently has ten alpaca of various ages and color. Our alpaca fiber is of the highest quality, and is sold raw, carded, spun, and as dyed and un-dyed yarn. Our alpaca are sheared every may, and fiber is available in it's many forms throughout the year. We've partnered with Davlin Designs, and have many alpaca products available from gifts to clothing.

Alpaca Dryer Balls
The sustainable alternative to dryer sheets and fabric softeners.
Flame Retardant • Removes Pet Hair from laundry
•Dries Clothes Faster With Less Heat
•Clothes Come Out Extremely Soft
•Economical Way To Remove Static
•Resistant To Odors, Staining, & Moisture
•Replaces Chemically Treated Dryer Sheets
•Eliminates The Need For Fabric Softeners
•Reusable - Thousands Of Loads Of Laundry!
•Eliminates The Chemical Build-up On Your Lint Filter
•Alpaca fiber is Hypoallergenic & Contains No Lanolin
•Hand-made With 100% Felted Willow City Farm Alpaca Fiber
Dryer balls are unscented... Want a scent? add several drops of your favorite essential oils - they will absorb into the fiber for a wonderful scent lasting 3-4 loads!

Willow City Farm sells fiber at all stages of processing, from raw to batted, roved, and spun and dyed.
Aside from having a wonderful handle, often so soft that you can wear right next to your skin, what’s so special about alpaca fiber? It’s extremely warm, is the strongest mammal fiber, is light weight, and very water resistant. It has other qualities, as well.
Our Alpaca are raised in a stress-free natural environment that is grown without herbicides. They are not dipped in pesticide baths, and no chemicals, dyes, or bleaches have been used during the processing. Their fiber does not contain lanolin like sheep's wool, or grease, and is cleaned with natural products.
Each shaft of Alpaca fiber has scales much like sheep, but they are closer to the shaft and have a more rounded edge, making the "prickly" factor less noticeable. Alpaca fiber is a perfect alternative for those that suffer from allergies to sheep's wool and feathers.
Click here to read care instructions or to purchase Willow City Farm alpaca products here.

Alpaca Beans
Alpacas have a very efficient 3 stomach digestive system. Leaving very little, if any, undigested food/seeds that otherwise would become weeds in your garden, unlike other livestock. It has high levels of nitrogen & potassium, major plant nutrients.
Our Aplaca beans are available in 2#, 20#, and 50# bags. If you would like to bring your own burlap sac or 5 gallon bucket and shovel it yourself, there is no cost!
To read more about the benefits of alpaca manure or to purchase beans, click here.

Live Alpaca Sales
Although we focus more of our attention on fiber sales and production, a small part of our operation focuses on breeding. We have had two cria born at Willow City Farm, and a third will come next spring. Although we'd love to keep them all, we cannot always keep our mother/son or father/daughter pairs on our farm. When it it time to introduce new lines, we will occasionally have alpaca for sale.
We also have many alpaca that are available for lease. For more information on purchasing or leasing one of our many alpaca, just contact us!