100% natural pastured beef, pork, lamb, goat, poultry & eggs
Home of Goats + Yoga in Central Illinois
Butcher Cut Instruction Forms
Filling out a cut sheet does not need to be a stressful experience at all. Think of it as your way to be creative (if you want) with how much of your half of the steer/hog you bring home.
If you have never done a cut sheet before and have questions, we are here to help.
Finally, if you don’t want to think about special butchering and just want the most common cuts with no effort, we have provided a sample sheet that you can use as a template (by copying the same values over to your sheet) that will give you the best your cow has to offer without worry!
Whole Steer .............................................. $5.30/lb
Side of Beef (1/2)................................... $5.80/lb
Quarter of Beef ....................................... $6.20/lb
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Lamb or Goat
Whole ...................... $12.00/lb/hanging
1/2 ................................ $13.00/lb/hanging
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