100% natural pastured beef, pork, lamb, goat, poultry & eggs
Home of Goats + Yoga in Central Illinois
The Farmstand
Willow City Farm offers a variety of healthful, delicious, and high quality pasture-raised products. Our meats, including chicken, turkey, ducks, beef, lamb and hog are pasture-raised and we do not use daily antibiotic or hormone regimens.
We take pride in raising animals naturally, humanely, and with plenty of space to roam. Try our products today and see the difference. Read more about each product below, or view our seasonal price sheet or download an order form here.
Willow Farms, LLC, derives from cowherds consisting of Hereford and Black Angus cattle.
We select specific genetics in an effort to produce a superior cow herd. The beef available for purchase is the product of these prestigious cow herds.
We know the pedigree and complete history, including exact age, of each animal that goes into our beef program. On our farms we do NOT use synthetic hormones or daily antibiotics, and you can visit our cattle anytime.
The pastures our cattle graze have been the home to black angus for over 100 years and four generations.
We know buying a side of beef comes with lots of questions. We hope we've answered them here.
Poultry & Eggs
The chicken at Willow City Farm free-range on 3 acres of pasture with five posh coops and over 30 nesting boxes. Lets just say they're treated better than most pets.
We have a beautiful flock of around 50 hens made up of 20 different pure breeds to give us a great variety of egg shapes, sizes, and colors.
Our meat birds also free range our pasture with their own coop and are processed right here at the farm.
Our Turkey flock will be ready for processing the week before Thanksgiving. Be sure to order early becuase we sell out fast.
Our Muscovy ducks are available seasonally throughout the year, so just ask! Read more about our poultry products here.
Grass-fed lamb, like other grass-fed meat, is an efficient way of getting the concentrated goodness of grass into our bodies.
Besides that, lamb is rich in iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin B-12 and niacin, but it's particularly rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, one of those important omega-3 fatty acids you hear about). A 3-ounce serving of lamb, according to the American Lamb Board, has almost five times as much ALA as the same size piece of beef!
Willow City Farm’s grass fed lamb is second-to-none. We only raise a few at a time, and our breed of choice is Katahdin/Dorper cross sheep. We don't want to over graze our pasture and we prefer to only raise a few at a time to meet the needs of our clients. We also sell hogget and mutton, so check our lamb page for prices, availability and recipes!

Fiber & Fleece
Willow City Farm is home to 8 huyaca and one suri alpaca as well as one huarizo, a shetland ewe, and an icelandic/shetland cross sheep.
Alpaca are a fiber-producing member of the camelid family raised exclusively for their soft and luxurious wool. Alpacas produce one of the world's finest and most luxurious natural fibers. It is clipped from the animal without causing it injury.
Soft as cashmere and warmer, lighter and stronger than wool, it comes in more colors than any other fiber producing animal (approximately 22 basic colors with many variations and blends). This cashmere-like fleece, once reserved for Incan royalty, is now enjoyed by spinners and weavers around the world.
Our shetland sheep and icelandic/shetland cross provide great wool that can be added to alpaca fleece or sold individually. Read all about our alpaca and the products we produce with their fleece here.
At Willow City Farm, we own and raise all of our own animals ourselves... with ONE exception. HOGS! We tried it, and decided that it was not something that we wanted to persue, yet we knew we wanted to sell pork to our clients who asked for it. So we visited about 15 local hog farms, and realized we found a lot of what we were NOT looking for...
During the winter months, we purchase our hay and alfalfa from a local farm in Petersburg, Illinois. The hay is raised without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. This was important to us, and, as farmers do, we "got to talking". We found that he sells all-natural pork to a company that distributes to high-end stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. He always raises a few extra, and has agreed to sell them to Willow City Farm! Read all about our pork program here.
Package Deas & Specials
Not sure exactly what kind of steak you want for your next BBQ, or want to buy in bulk to save money but don't have the freezer space for a side of beef or hog? Willow City Farm has pre-selected packages of all our products that you can buy at a discount!
Try one of the following:
Summer Steak Sampler
The "Grocery List"
"Hog Wild"
Simmer and Roast
The Basics
Cluck Oink Baa
Click here to order or buy a package online. You can even request free delivery!